Friday, January 9, 2009

First Blog EVER :O

Wellll, this is the first blog entry for the Tuscarora Anime Club. This blog will inform the anime fans (like us xD) about club activities and anime related stuff like conventions and stuff and stuff...

Katsucon is coming up, and the club president (Darrell) has 10 people staying in the hotel room! :O But that's okay, because we're true anime fans! *pumps fist in air determinedly*

Yesterday in anime club, we watched an anime called ARIA where Mars or something has been terraformed to look like Venice, Italy. It's really pretty. Akari, the main character, lives in Neo-Venezia, where she dreams of being a gondola Undine, or a gondola master! (Like Pokemon!!) ^.^

ANYWAYS, we're planning to give the e-mail address and password to all the club members so everyone can make their own entries on here! A communal blog! :D

-Dement, Saede, Sarah & Johnson

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